Stream City Radio is committed to supporting Newnan and
standing by the entire community every step of the way as our
great city rebuilds and our community heals.
Because we are Hometown Radio, the time to show our commitment is NOW.
As Stream City focuses on broadcasting high school sports, it makes sense for us to give back to the community by raising up Newnan High School Athletics.
Jump on board with us as a #CougarStrong sponsor with 15% of the sponsorship up to $200 going directly to the Newnan High School Athletic Department. This will apply to all Newnan or Coweta wide packages purchased in 2021.
Join us as a #CougarStrong sponsor with two easy
options we can stop by and get a check and information or instructions listed below to donate online:
1. Click on the donate button.
2. Fill in amount.
3. Choose payment method.
4. Email streamcity.obrien@yahoo.com with a 2 line message to be included as we recognize those supporting #cougarstrong.
5. Businesses should include their logo and link for the web page.